Thursday, March 13, 2008

My Sincerest Thanks are being sent to Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki

After reading this blog entry, click on the links below
for some Powerful Information about my Home Business Income Opportunity.

Finally, "The Secret" is revealed ...

Now Is The Time For All Of YOU To BENEFIT From The Global Phenomenon of The Lucrative, Network-Marketing Industry

My personal thanks go out to Mr. Donald Trump and Mr. Robert Kiyosaki,
for co authoring the book, "Why We Want You To Be Rich."

This New York Times best seller, clears up ALL misconceptions of The Network-Marketing Industry and explains the POWER of this phenomenal Income Producing Industry!

Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki discuss "why you should get started in Network-Marketing, in their book "Why We Want You To Be Rich."

They both go into great detail in Part Five: Chapters 27, 28 and 29. These 3 concise chapters will forever change the way you look at Network-Marketing. They will clear up the myths, and allow you to finally understand how YOU CAN earn the income you deserve, live the life you desire, when you get started with Liberty League International!

Below are a handful of quotes that will rid any fear that you might have. You will fully understand the Power and the Truth about this top five Income Producing Industry!

The following quotes were taken from chapter 27 of their book
"Why We Want You To Be Rich"

Robert Kiyosaki ..." Long term success in life is a reflection of your education, life experience and personal character. Many network-marketing companies provide personal development training in those key areas." ...

Robin Firestone ... "All 3 of our stellar products teach, train and expand on Personal Development."

Robert Kiyosaki ... "I recommend a network-marketing business. I recommend the industry for people who want to change and get the necessary skills and attitude training to be successful ..."

Robin Firestone ..."That is EXACTLY what LifePath Unlimited has to offer!"

Robert Kiyosaki ... "Where could you find a business that will invest the time in YOUR education, your personal development and building your own business? The answer is: most network marketing businesses."

Robin Firestone ... "Once again, the answer is Lifepath!"

Robert Kiyosaki ... "So you need to ask yourself, "Do I have what it takes? Am I willing to go beyond my comfort zones? Am I willing to be led and willing to learn to lead? Is there a rich person inside of me, ready to come out?" If the answer is "YES," start looking for a network-marketing business that has a Great Training Program. I would focus less on the products or the compensation plans and more on the education and personal development program the company offers."

Donald Trump ... "Marketing is a powerful tool, and network marketing can increase that power, provided you are self-motivated."

Robin Firestone ... "And yet again, they are describing LifePath Unlimited ... right on target! We offer Strong Leadership, Commitment and Expert Training, by the top Income Earners in the network-marketing industry. LifePath Unlimited is a stable, debt free company, with continued exponential growth Internationally, in well over 35 Countries! We offer three outstanding Personal Development Products, which is part of the ever growing, worldwide, 19 billion dollar a year industry!"


Now, click on the following link:

Here at LifePath, we are dedicated to your success.


Robin Firestone "the Home Business DIVA"

Office - 843-815-8033 ... Cell - 516-410-8828

The information contained in this blog entry does not imply endorsement by D. Trump and R. Kiyosaki. However, the above quotes taken directly from their best seller book "Why We Want You To Be Rich" are accurate.

Exciting Wealth Creating Industry is getting World Wide Attention ... read on

This is what we have all been LOOKING for!

Check out my website right now, then give me a call 843-815-8033.
username: beyond
Password: freedom

Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki talk about this in their book "Why We Want You To Be Rich" Go straight to Part Five: Chapters 27, 28 and 29. These 40 pages that will change the way you think, allow you start earning the type of money that you deserve, and understand the truth about
The Power of the Network Marketing Industry

Any fear that may have been holding you back, due to misunderstanding this Industry, will disappear faster than you can say, WOW, I can have my cake and eat it too!

You will finally understand why Network Marketing and Direct Sales, is one of the top 5 Income Producing Businesses worldwide. An Income Opportunity that will teach ANYONE how to be a Successful Entrepreneur!

Personal Development ...
It's all the talk on Oprah, Larry King, and news media around the world.

Join the world of Personal Development and understand Why You Are, Where You Are, in your life today. We will teach you how to have the necessary paradigm shifts to create change and finally join the top 3% of income earners, and leave the struggles of the majority behind.
It's all about ... Wealth Creation ...

My husband Jack and I have been working from Home for well over 4 years now, We are leaders, coaches and trainers in our Industry. Our business is through the roof and we are experiencing enormous exponential growth throughout the world.

We are looking for some very sharp individuals who can bring some real action to the table.
We are talking about an income potential in your first 6-12 months of well into the 6 figures! Make sure your goals are clear. If your mindset is that of an athlete, willing to be coached and ready for the ride of your life .... we want to talk to you.

Do YOU have what it takes to be an Entrepreneur in every sense of the word? Are you a person of Integrity? Do you finish what you start? Are you ready to take control of your future?

You will learn how & why we are creating millionaires. Believe it, this is a real business,and we are a part of an 11 BILLION dollar a year Industry.

We are part of an incredible, supportive alliance. Get in touch with us today, immediately after you have thoroughly gone through our website:
username: beyond
Password: freedom

Let's see if you really want to change your world as you know it, and stop working for other people and makng them rich!

Live for Today!
Make YOUR Life & the Lives of those You Care about, Count!

Robin & Jack

The Simple Truth is Simply "Simple"

Here's a Simple Truth worth REPEATING &
worth REMINDING ourselves of on a daily basis...

Good Morning Everyone ... What a beautiful day!

BEGIN today with positive action, go for the gusto.
Let NOTHING stand between you and your goals.
Make today productive and exciting.
Fill your mind with super charged fuel! Make today count!

Here's a Simple Truth, worth repeating ...

This simple analogy reflects the Ultimate definition of Excellence, because it's the one extra degree of effort, in life & in business, that can separate the Good from the Great!

... At 211 degrees...water is hot.At 212 boils.
... And with boiling water, comes steam.
... And steam can power a locomotive.
... And, it’s that one extra degree that ... Makes all the difference.

And so many times it’s that one extra degree of effort in business and in life that separates the good from the great.

So simple...yet so versatile and so unforgettable.

212° can apply to almost any value that you wish to reinforce...
212° attitude, 212° leadership, 212° respect, and of course, 212° service.
Because, as we all know, it is that one extra degree that can make all the difference!

Watch the movie now:
Visit the Simple Truths Website for amazing products:

Oprah Winfrey has been talking about "The Law of Attraction", "The Secret" Personal Development, for many many years. It's time to take personal responsibility in where you are, right now, in your life today. If you desire a differnt outcome, you must break out of your old way of thinking, shed your limiting beliefs and snap out of it!

Today, begin taking the necessary actions to live the life you deserve!

Join Oprah & her book club ... they are now reading "A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle

Live For Today ... Make It Count!
Robin Firestone
Coaching People Around The World in Personal Development & Wealth Creation
Liberty League Int'l.
International Trainer
Executive Marketing Council
Summit Advisor
843- 815- 8033
Cell - 516- 410- 8828

"Anybody can wish for riches, and most people do...but only a few know that a definite plan, plus a burning desire for wealth, are the only dependable means of accumulating wealth!" --- Napoleon Hill

"We've got the plan!" ... Robin & Jack Firestone "The Dynamic Duo"

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Change ... The Secret Necessity of Success

Hi Everyone,

I am back! It's been quite some time since my last entry. We have been traveling around the world, and building another dream home. We finally moved on New Years Eve to a beautiful town called Bluffton, just off the island of Hilton Head. What freedom I have created, to work my business anywhere in the world. As a matter of fact, I just got back from New York this past Sunday. I am off to Venice and Rome on March 26th. I'll be back in Bluffton April 6ht, then back to New York for our son, Brandon's 23rd birthday celebration. Whew ... living the life of a real jet setter and making a literal fortune, in a phnomonal buisness. Be sure to check out my business website and get in touch with me for information on how you can take charge of your life and your future.

In the meantime, we had an incredible MasterMind call tonight. If you want to join us on a future incredible MasterMind call, hosted by, yours truly, shoot me an email and I'll be sure to get you the dial in information.

Tonight's topic was all about Change. I discuses a book called "Who Moved My Cheese" by Spencer Johnson MD. We must understand that "Change" is inevitable and a necessity for success. We must not allow fear of the unknown to paralyze us. Here is an excerpt form the book. Please feel free to send in your comments ...

Who Moved My Cheese?
An Amazing Way to Deal with Change
in Your Work and in Your Life ...

Who Moved My Cheese? features four characters; two mice, "Sniff" and "Scurry", and two little people, miniature humans in essence, "Hem" and "Haw", live in a maze, a representation of one's environment, and look for cheese, representative of happiness and success. Initially without cheese, each group, the mice and humans paired off, travel the lengthy corridor searching for cheese. One day both groups happen upon a cheese-filled corridor in "Cheese Station C". Content with their find, the humans establish routines around their daily intake of cheese slowly becoming arrogant in the process.

One day Sniff and Scurry arrive at Cheese Station F to find no cheese left but they are not surprised. Noticing the cheese supply dwindling, they have mentally prepared for the arduous, but inevitable task of finding more cheese beforehand. Leaving Cheese Station C behind, they begin their hunt for new cheese together. Later that day, Hem and Haw arrive at Cheese Station C only to find the same thing, no cheese. Angered and annoyed, Hem demands "who moved my cheese?". Unprepared, the humans have counted on the cheese supply to be constant. After verifying that the cheese is indeed gone and ranting at the unfairness of the situation, both head home hungry. Returning the next day, Hem and Haw find the same cheeseless station. Beginning to realize the situation at hand, Haw proposes a search for new cheese, but Hem, dead set in his victimized mindset, nixes the proposal.

Meanwhile, Sniff and Scurry have found "Cheese Station N", a new supply of cheese. Back at Cheese Station C, Hem and Haw, affected by their lack of cheese, blame each other for their predicament. Hoping to change, Haw again proposes a search for new cheese. Hem however, comforted by his old routine and afraid of the unknown, again knocks down the idea. After many days in denial, including a search for cheese behind the wall of Cheese Station F, the humans remain without cheese. One day, realizing his debilitating fear, Haw begins laughing at the situation. Realizing he should move on, Haw enters the maze, but not before chiseling "If You Do Not Change, You Can Become Extinct" on the wall of Cheese Station F for his friend to ponder.

Still fearful of his trek, Haw jots "What Would You Do If You Weren't Afraid?" on the wall and, after thinking about it, begins his journey. Still with worry, perhaps he has waited too long to begin his search, Haw finds some scattered cheese and continues his search. Slowly losing his denial, Haw realizes that the cheese has not suddenly disappeared, but has dwindled from continual eating, and that the older cheese was not as tasty and had been moldy. After a let down, an empty cheese station, Haw begins worrying about the unknown again. Brushing aside his fears, Haw's new mindset allows him to again enjoy life; he has even begun to smile again and is realizing "when you move beyond your fear, you feel free." After another empty cheese station, Haw decides to go back for Hem with the few bits of new cheese he has managed to find.

Uncompromising, Hem turns away the new cheese to his friend's dismay. With knowledge acquired along the way, Haw heads back into the maze. Still going deeper into the maze, impelled by bits of new cheese here and there, Haw leaves a trail of writings on the wall, hopeful that his friend will be aided by them in his search for new cheese. Still traveling, Haw one day comes across Cheese Station N. Abundant with cheese, some varieties strange to him, he has found what he is looking for. After eating, Haw reflects on his experience. Pondering a return to his old friend, Haw decides to let Hem find his own way. Finding the largest wall in Cheese Station N, he writes ...

Change Happens ...
They Keep Moving The Cheese

Anticipate Change ...
Get Ready For The Cheese To Move

Monitor Change ...
Smell The Cheese Often So You Know When It Is Getting Old

Adapt To Change Quickly
The Quicker You Let Go Of Old Cheese, The Sooner You Can Enjoy New Cheese

Change ...
Move With The Cheese

Enjoy Change! ...
Savor The Adventure And Enjoy The Taste Of New Cheese!

Be Ready To Change Quickly And Enjoy It Again & Again ...
They Keep Moving The Cheese. Cautious from past experience, Haw inspects Cheese Station N daily and explores different parts of the maze to prevent complacency from setting in. After hearing movement in the maze one day, Haw realizes someone is approaching the station. Unsure, Haw hopes that it is his friend Hem who has found the way.

published in 1998, is a motivational book by Spencer Johnson written in the style of a parable. It describes change in one's work and life, and four typical reactions to said change with two mice, two "little people", and their hunts for cheese. A New York Times business bestseller since release, Who Moved My Cheese? has remained on the list for almost five years and has spent over two hundred weeks on Publishers Weekly's hardcover nonfiction list

The Home Business Diva is at it again! Providing Solutions To The Economy!

The Home Business Diva is at it again! Providing Solutions To The Economy!
Entrepreneur, Author, Speaker and Success Coach ... contact me today

The Secret

The Secret
As seen on Oprah