Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thank You So Much!

Every minute of every day is just so exhilarating. Yesterday, friends from around the world watched the video from Liberty League International announcing that Jack and I were chosen associates of the month. So many people wrote and told us how much they enjoyed the video, especially our love and passion for life.

Here is just a sampling of the messages we received:

"You guys are funny. Awesome video, Congrats!!!!" Dean

Phil wrote: "Hi Robin & Jack, Fantastic Video - Congrats again ! I'm so happy for your success and abundance. I can feel your happiness from here, keep sending out those vibes!"

Tony sent a message: "Hiya, just watched the movie of you and Jack absolutely great. Made my morning."

Thank you so much for your wonderful comments.

If you haven't seen the video, check it out at:

Join the fun and excitement any time you're ready.

Robin Firestone

Work With International Trainers, Top Industry Leaders and Entrepreneurs.

1 comment:

Robin Firestone, The Home Business DIVA shares "The Secret" to Wealth Creation said...

Hi Robin!

I wanted to express my immense level of gratitude for spending time with me and sharing your knowledge with me in this business. I really learned a lot around the topic of the business plan and the language and approach that I can use around doing one successfully. I appreciate you being present, patient and loving.

Also Congrats for you and Jack in having such an awesome video as associates of the month. Your video was filled with great vibes, love and success. I love it!

I look forward to seeing you again in the Bahamas!

Tell Jack I say hello and I wish him the utmost success in his new book.

In gratitude and appreciation,


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