Wednesday, September 3, 2008


One of the most common mistakes is making excuses to explain why we do not succeed. Unfortunately, the vast majority of people in the world-those who do not succeed-are excuse-makers. They try to explain their action, or inaction, with words. When you succeed, accept the congratulations of others with good grace; when you fail, take responsibility for your actions, learn from your mistakes, and move on to more constructive things. When your actions are appropriate in every circumstance, you will never feel the need to explain them with words. Your actions will say all that needs to be said.

A note from Robin Firestone:

No wonder why people for over 100 years refer back to Napoleon Hill. Really think about this. It is so true. No more excuses. Take responsibility for your life as it is today. Set your goals, not just on a piece of paper, but in your heart ... follow the plan that was created for you or put a plan together & follow it daily ... Take the action, and get the results you deserve! Finally, stop blaming your circumstances for your failures. Change your circumstances and surly your results will change!

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