~ No Limits, by Napoleon Hill ~
There are no limitations to the power of the mind save only those which the individual establishes for himself, or permits to be established by the influences outside of himself.
Truly, whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve!
Study well the three key words in the foregoing sentence because they epitomize the sum and the substance of this entire chapter.
Your success in the application of the mind-conditioning formula presented in this chapter will depend very largely upon the mental attitude in which you apply it. If you BELIEVE you will get satisfactory results, you will get them.
When you give directives to your subconscious mind, through the statement herein which was prepared for that purpose, you may hasten success by repeating the statement in the form of a prayer, and thereby place the entire power of your religious BELIEF back of your statement.
The word BELIEF is symbolic of a power that has no limitations within reason and we find evidence of its influence wherever we find people who have achieved noteworthy success in any calling.
Thomas A. Edison BELIEVED he could perfect an incandescent electric lamp, and that belief carried him successfully through the ten thousand failures before he got the answer for which he had been searching.
Marconi BELIEVED the ether could be made to carry the vibrations of sound without the use of wires, and that belief carried him through many failures until he was finally rewarded by triumph, and gave the world its first wireless means of communication.
Columbus BELIEVED he would find land in an uncharted portion of the Atlantic Ocean, and he sailed on and on until he found it, despite the threatened mutiny of his sailors who were not so blessed as he with the capacity for BELIEF.
Madame Schumann-Heink BELIEVED she could become a great opera singer, although her singing teacher had advised her to go back to her sewing machine and be content as a seamstress. Her BELIEF rewarded her with success.
Helen Keller BELIEVED she could learn to talk despite the fact that she lost her use of speech, sight, and hearing, and her BELIEF restored her speech and helped her to become a shining example of encouragement to all people who are tempted to give up in despair because of some physical affliction.
Henry Ford BELIEVED he could build a horseless buggy that would provide rapid transportation at small cost, and despite the far-flung cry of "crackpot" and the skepticism of the world, he belted the earth with the product of his BELIEF, and made himself immensely wealthy.
Madame Marie Curie BELIEVED that radium metal existed and gave herself the task of finding its source, despite the fact that no one had ever seen radium and no one knew where to start looking for it. Her BELIEF finally revealed the source of that precious metal.
Home Business Expert and co-author of "Chasing Diana", teaches Success strategies through Personal Development and Personal Experiences. I will educate you on the FACTS vs. the MYTHS of Home Businesses, Network Marketing & Direct Sales. According to Robert Kiyosaki, co-author of "Why We Want You To Be Rich," the Network Marketing Industry is one of the TOP 5 Income Producing Businesses Worldwide!
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