Thursday, September 15, 2011

You Know You're Too Busy When... eliminate moisturizer from your nightly routine to save 20 seconds. feel decadent for taking time off for oral surgery. offer your trainer more money if he will let you off early.

...waiting for the light to turn green seems like a vacation. decide to drink less water because those trips to the bathroom burn up precious minutes. bring your laptop to the hospital so that while you are in labor you can get in some work between contractions. mentally multitask during sex. return phone calls in the shower, scratching memos to yourself on a bar of soap with your fingernails. try to buy yourself two extra hours a week by announcing to your shrink that you're quitting because you have absolutely no more problems! (She laughs and says she'll see you next week.) order the risotto because chewing meat takes so much time. shout "Hurry up!" at the microwave. actually do business during business lunches. wear pants instead of skirts so you don't have to shave your legs. skip the vowels when you read. have piled up so many frequent flier miles from business trips that you can fly free to Mars (business class). contemplate moving to China to gain the extra day.

...your dog has figured out how to walk itself.

BOTTOME LINE... We all have the same hours in the day. Oraganize your list of things to do, get 20% done and you'll achieve 80% of the results! TAKE ACTION NOW!

"Eat a frog for breakfast"

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