Monday, September 15, 2008

"Home Business Diva" Robin Firestone ~ Episode 2 ~ Possibilities

Enjoy Episode 2 of "The Home Business Diva"

Dream Big! Let's take a look at where we are in our lives. What's Possible? Is where you are today in your life, EXACTLY what you used to dream about? If yes, awesome! If not, you are not alone. Let's see what we can create together, to change this scenario. It's time to stop dreaming about the possibilities, and start creating your new realities!

Scroll down and watch "The Home Business Diva" Episode 1

Fill out the contact form on this page and accept my gift of 2 Free E Books, that will totally assist you in many ways towards your success. Let's have a brief , private conversation, and free consultation.

Live For Today, Make it Count!

Robin Firestone "The Home Business Diva"

Thursday, September 4, 2008


I've been sharing this message for as long as I have been following this simple rule of success ... Fill out the from on this page to schedule a brief conversation with me ... FREE... I play the game of Simon Sex for Adults. For those of you left standing in the game, you are all winners in the game of LIFE! Let me share my SECRETS of Success with you, after all, you dererve to live your life to the fullest! Talk to you soon ... read on! Robin Firestone

One of the surest ways to achieve success is to observe the actions of successful people, determine what principles they regularly employ, and then use them yourself. The principles of success, as Andrew Carnegie said, are definite, they are real, and they can be learned by anyone willing to take the time to study and apply them. If you are truly observant, you will find that you can learn something from almost everyone you meet. And it isn’t even necessary that you know them. You may choose great people who are no longer alive. The important thing is to study their lives, and then learn and apply in your own life the specific principles these people used to achieve greatness.

This positive message is brought to you by the Napoleon Hill Foundation. Visit us at

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


One of the most common mistakes is making excuses to explain why we do not succeed. Unfortunately, the vast majority of people in the world-those who do not succeed-are excuse-makers. They try to explain their action, or inaction, with words. When you succeed, accept the congratulations of others with good grace; when you fail, take responsibility for your actions, learn from your mistakes, and move on to more constructive things. When your actions are appropriate in every circumstance, you will never feel the need to explain them with words. Your actions will say all that needs to be said.

A note from Robin Firestone:

No wonder why people for over 100 years refer back to Napoleon Hill. Really think about this. It is so true. No more excuses. Take responsibility for your life as it is today. Set your goals, not just on a piece of paper, but in your heart ... follow the plan that was created for you or put a plan together & follow it daily ... Take the action, and get the results you deserve! Finally, stop blaming your circumstances for your failures. Change your circumstances and surly your results will change!

Monday, September 1, 2008

The Real Power of Your Beliefs by John Assaraf

You have thousands of beliefs, both positive and negative, that cause you to perceive and act in certain ways, in your business life as well as in your personal life.

I came across this article by John Assaraf in May 2008. It is is complete alignment of how I think, act and live my life. These are the necessary steps to rid yourself of the barricade that has been surrounding you. I will teach you thru personal development, how to create the paradigm shifts so that, once and for all, you can design the life, the wealth, the abundance and prosperity that you deserve ... THAT WE ALL DESERVE!

The effects of your beliefs are not as abstract as you might think. You and I act in absolute accordance with what our internal beliefs are, and not with what we may want. We can override our beliefs temporarily using our will power, but I assure you that over the long haul the ‘internal’ image we have of our self will always win.

Let’s say you’re looking at a restaurant menu. You’ll make a decision and take action by ordering and eating the food that aligns with your beliefs about health and nutrition. The result of that decision will determine whether or not you’ll have an abundance of energy. It will determine, over a period of time, your external appearance. It will also determine your internal health.

As you can see, one small decision affects a whole range of things. Choosing improperly for long periods is a sure-fire route to a mediocre life. What you must consider is whether or not your beliefs can get you to the destination of your dreams. It is critical to evaluate the results in your life and to understand the true underlying cause that is creating those results.

Break Free From Your Past ... It's Not As Difficult As You May Think!

Perhaps you’ve heard about how elephants are trained to stand tied to a tiny stake in the ground, which they could easily pull up simply by using their considerable strength against the restraint. When an elephant is young, the trainer uses a heavy chain with a shackle around the calf’s ankle, which causes painful sores when the baby elephant tries to move. Within a short period of time, the animal is conditioned to recognize that pulling equals pain. As the elephant matures, the trainer can use a weaker and weaker tether because the elephant won’t test it, until a simple rope tied to a tent stake will keep this five-ton animal from roaming.

It’s likely that many of the beliefs you have today are acting like that weak rope, perhaps holding you in place and preventing you from going where you want to be. That’s why people stay in relationships that aren’t working, keep a job they don’t like, continue neglecting their health, and so on. The good news is you can change. You can break free. You can choose your beliefs and therefore change your results.

*Consciously choosing what to believe, whether it’s about health, religon, marriage, children, career, other people, or anything else gives those beliefs more weight, more meaning in your life.*

I chose to hold onto some of the beliefs I adopted when I was younger—being a risk-taker, trusting my instincts, believing in myself as a manager and even a visionary—and, of course, I decided to jettison those beliefs that were holding me back. Thinking I was not smart enough, that people didn’t like
me, and that I couldn’t trust anyone else were definitely not going to get me where I wanted to go. I realized, through the help of many mentors, that for anything in my life to change, I had to change. It works from the inside out, not from the outside in.

Ask yourself whether your most dearly held beliefs are serving you or not. Do they help you create the life of your dreams? Or do they limit you and the people you love? Remember that beliefs are like blinders for humans. They can be so powerful that they cause you to see only what’s in line with them. Yet they are not the Truth. They are just your perception of the truth, based on your past teachings, experiences, and evaluations.

You can choose to change any belief that is not helping you create the life you really want. Fill out the contact form at the top of the page. Let's spend a few minutes together, over the phone. I will share more information with you, how once and for all, there is a Home Business that will teach you how to get results! Today!

Talk to you soon, Robin Firestone

The Home Business Diva is at it again! Providing Solutions To The Economy!

The Home Business Diva is at it again! Providing Solutions To The Economy!
Entrepreneur, Author, Speaker and Success Coach ... contact me today

The Secret

The Secret
As seen on Oprah