Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Natioanlly Syndicated Radio Show "This Week in America," with host Ric Bratton, talks with Robin Firestone, The Home Business Diva

Each week Ric Bratton talks with nationally-known guests about the issues that affect all Americans. "This Week in America" is a compelling human affairs program that will add true value to your listening experience.

I am excited to share this news with you... Ric has contacted me to be interviewed for his show this weekend.

"Our upcoming guest, entrepreneur Robin Firestone, known as "The Home Business Diva," has trained and mentored thousands of people around the world, utilizing Personal and Prosperity Development Skills, and shares her proven strategies to become a successful entrepreneur.With unemployment rates still at record breaking numbers with no end in site, more and more people are starting home businesses to take back control of their life and their financial future.

Confused by the many choices, where do you begin and what should you look for?
Robin takes away the confusion by bringing you the facts, leaving out the hype.

In addition to being the CEO of Firestone Media Ent. Inc., she has a monthly column "Ask The Home Business Diva," featured in The Home Business Connection Magazine. Robin is a Success Coach/Trainer, International Speaker in addition to being a Best Selling Author of "Chasing Diana."

Robin has frequently been interviewed on television, radio and a variety of magazines.

For more information check out "This Week in America" with Ric Bratton's website

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The Home Business Diva is at it again! Providing Solutions To The Economy!

The Home Business Diva is at it again! Providing Solutions To The Economy!
Entrepreneur, Author, Speaker and Success Coach ... contact me today

The Secret

The Secret
As seen on Oprah