Friday, July 18, 2008

Thank You for Your Support! Please Click on the Cover of the Book to Order Your Copy Today!

To our family and friends,

Wow, the day is finally here. Jack and I are very excited to announce to you, that we are officially published "authors!" Our book "Chasing Diana" has arrived.

Yesterday, we received the first printed copy, for proof purposes. Well, it is now ready to go to print. We pre ordered 100 copies which we will hopefully have in time for Hawaii. So many of you have requested signed copies of our book. We are filled with gratitude by your support and well wishes.

Our family knows the long, sometimes painful journey that we rode over the last 10 years, as a direct result of what we witnessed that horrible night. Thank you for your support through the very rough times.

Thank you, to Mr. Mohammed Al Fayed. When we finally met in December 2007, after the final inquest, we shared our tears, our anguish, and so much more. Jack and I will never, ever forget, the look in your eyes, when we all realized we shared the same vision for the quest for the truth. How sad, the full story still has yet to unfold. We will always hold a place for you in our hearts.

We want to also thank Brent Payne and Shane Krider. As a direct result of our experiences with Liberty League over the last 4 1/2 years, and utilizing the principles in Beyond Freedom, this is now a reality. We could never have found the time that was required to see this to fruition, if we were still tied down to our corporate lives. I have learned so much through personal development these last few years. There is so much I want to share with you, as to the important role you both played, but I will save that for when we see you in Hawaii next week.

More than ever, I know that anyone, anywhere, can reach their goals, no matter how far away they appear, or who tries to hold them back, or how difficult the journey may seem.

We are so happy to share this milestone in our lives with all of you.

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